Tuesday, 9 October 2012

A Warm Welcome ^_^

Hello and welcome to The Muslim Media Monitor; a journey through the realms of the internet with the aim of uncovering and sourcing both open and obscure examples of Islamic portrayal in the modern world manifesting through a variety of sources such as chat rooms, blogs, online comics and videos.

The reason why I decided to start this blog was because I feel the internet provides an insight into views of “average” people, and so, it would be interesting to hear what the people have to say about Islam related issues (which there is certainly no lack of these days), as opposed to what is shown in mass media.

I ask

Is the media doing what it’s supposed to do and telling us what’s going on in the world or is everything we hear on the news staged; a set of half-truths and cover ups? Is Islam misrepresented because of this? What’s really going on in the world and what do the people think? 

This blog isn’t exactly going to be one fixed topic, but rather, I see it as a journey based on whatever is current.. any new material or news that comes up, or whatever I happen to stumble across in my research. It may get pretty controversial (which I personally see as a good thing), so let that be a warning to ye of a sensitive disposition.

Finally, I hope that you enjoy perusing through my weekly(ish) blog, feel free to comment, and I leave you with an image to reflect on ...which I also thought was pretty cool ^_^


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